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→ Africa




  • Africa Sustainability Centre is a leading partner in innovative sustainable solutions. In the last five years, ASCENT has taken a central role in transforming the way climate finance and climate change is viewed and approached in Africa.
  • African Development Bank is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 81 member states, including 54 in Africa (Regional Member Countries). The Bank’s development agenda is delivering the financial and technical support for transformative projects that will significantly reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
  • African Union Commission (AUC) is the Secretariat of the African Union, a 55- Member State regional organization. Its vision is that of “An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena” and its mission is to be “An efficient and value-adding institution driving the African integration and development process in close collaboration with African Union Member States, the Regional Economic Communities and African citizens”.
  • Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a regional political and economic union of fifteen countries located in West Africa.
  • Southern African Development Community (SADC) is an inter-governmental organization, whose goal is to further socio-economic cooperation and integration as well as political and security cooperation among 16 southern African states.
  • Sustainability Africa a diverse network of experts, professionals and passionate learners, engaging to strengthen our continent’s transition to a more sustainable future. This open-source community of practice continues to evolve as more individuals share knowledge, collaborate, and pioneer African solutions for African challenges
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) is one of five regional commissions under the administrative direction of United Nations headquarters.